UP! Plus 2 3D Printer Review Results
The UP! Plus 2 3D printer is easily setup, and comes with the UPware 3D modeling software. This is a good option for those wanting to print quality objects with little setup.
Printing Speed
Build Size
User Experience
UP! has done great things in the 3D manufacturing world, and the Plus 2 is no exception. With its solid construction and sound engineering, it’s no wonder that it’s caught your eye. Let’s take a look at a few of the pros and cons in this UP Plus 2 3D printer review, and see if it’s just what you’ve been looking for.
UP! Plus 2 3D Printer Review Highlights
The Pros
Light, Compact, & Compatible
First, let’s take a look at the UP Plus 2’s exterior dimension specifications. With a size of under 15 inches (9.5 x 10.5 x 14) and a weight of about 11 pounds, this 3D printer certainly lends itself to easy position shifting, in case you want a different view of the action, or need one for troubleshooting.
And if testing out different views leaves you in the mood for further experimentation, try testing the differences between ABS and PLA printing. The Plus 2 is compatible with both filament types, so you’ll have the option to decide which works best for you, based on your direct results.
Platform Calibration
The automatic platform calibration system of the Up! Plus 2 is a huge relief from manual leveling. Once you turn on the printer and initiate the process, you’ll see the printing platform gliding up and down, while the printer’s sensors work their leveling magic. In the meantime, you’ll be free to sit back and watch the system work through its nine points.
Printer Efficiency
Once the platform is level, and the extrusion nozzle has been detected, the nozzle and the platform slide and shift to create your design. And since the platform is coming up to the nozzle, instead of the nozzle going down, you won’t have to worry about long, obtrusive wires.
The shifting and speed required during printing could easily cause the printer to lose stability and begin to shake, due to poor calibration or design. Fortunately, UP!’s well-executed design and calibration features make for a very efficient and stable printing process.
Heat & Wind Shield
Before wrapping up the pros of this UP Plus 2 3D printer review, let’s make a quick note of the integration of the heat and wind shield, which addresses safety, by helping prevent burns, and also serves to create a smoother finish, by cooling the extruded filament as it’s laid.

The Cons
Build Volume
The Plus 2 may boast several great features, but its build capacity of 160 cubic inches distributed as dimensions of 5.5 x 5.5 x 5.3 inches / 140 x 140 x 135 mm (L x W x H), are average at best, which will be very limiting to anyone looking to print larger items.
Open Design
Although the Plus 2 features sturdy construction, the lack of enclosure is a drawback, especially for anyone working in a cooler, or drafty, environment. Cooler environments may cause filament to set prematurely, and temperature fluctuations in drafty ones could cause warping.
The UP! Plus 2 3D Printer Review Verdict
So, what’s the verdict for this UP Plus 2 3D printer review? Currently, the price point is about average for a professional quality desktop printer, so it may not be the best choice for an impulse, gadget buy. However, if you’re seeking a tool for small-scale, quality manufacturing, this could be an excellent choice.