Printrbot Metal Simple 3D Printer Kit Review Results
The new Printrbot Metal Simple is an improvement in quality over the laser-cut Printrbot Simple Kit. The Metal Simple comes with a slightly higher price tag, but the increased durability and precision is worth it.
Printing Speed
Build Size
User Experience
There’s a new Simple on the market. Printerbot has decided to introduce a revolutionized version of the traditional plywood Simple, which Brook Drumm, founder and CEO of Printrbot, describes as “a great balance of low cost, practicality and fun.”
It sounds great, so let’s get started with the Printrbot Simple 3D Printer Kit review, and evaluate the pros and cons of this revamped do-it-yourself package.
Printrbot Metal Simple 3D Printer Kit Review Highlights
The Pros
Steel & Aluminum
It’s hard not to notice the new aesthetics of the Simple. The steel and aluminum body not only looks much sleeker than its plywood counterpart, but also provides strength and stability. This means a quieter printing process.
Pulley System
The mechanics of the new Simple are also getting an upgrade with the introduction of the GT2 belt pulley system. Aside from featuring aluminum construction, this system will prevent belt slipping and backlash from reverse motion, which will result in cleaner prints.
Simple (Parts & Instructions)
As the name clearly suggests, the idea behind this Printrbot model, has always been simplicity. To this end, the company has made some great improvements. As far as assembly there are fewer parts, only 5 major pieces and fewer fasteners.
To compliment this simplification, new build instructions are now, also easier to follow. Keep in mind, however, that you will still need to separate a few hours to compete the assembly process.
Software-Aided Leveling
Another major upgrade for the Simple is the new leveling functionality. The printing platform can now be leveled semi-automatically with the use of software. I doubt anyone will miss the frustration brought on by the manual calibration traditionally associated with kits like this one.
Build Volume
The steel and aluminum Printrbot Simple comes with an extended build volume. Up two inches from the original, this new model has the capacity to print up to 216 cubic inches, or 6 inches cubed.

The Cons
PLA Only
With the use of both ABS and PLA filament becoming standard, the fact that the Printrbot Simple is only compatible with PLA is certainly discouraging. However, if this is your filament of choice, this point may not be a deal breaker.
The Printrbot still doesn’t provide proprietary software with their Simple printers. This means that you will have to look elsewhere to find the software you will need to prepare your design for printing. The company does provide a couple of suggestions—Repetier Host and Pronterface.
The Printrbot Metal Simple 3D Printer Kit Review Verdict
It’s time for the verdict on this Printrbot Simple 3D Printer Kit review. Overall, this printer is a phenomenal value. The company has invested in a huge overhaul of the kit, giving the parts a major upgrade. The price point is incredibly low (under $600).
The kits, which are made in California, also come in a variety of colors—including black, while, and silver—so you can choose the hue that bests suits you. The kit is also available to order assembled by Printrbot.