conversion of 3d warehouse files

  • Participant
    michael101 on #1781


    I am planning to print a model from 3D warehouse. But I am unable to find a STL file for the model. I understand that 3D warehouse’s .skp files cannot be directly used for printing. There must definitely a work around for this. Can some body share with me, what would be the best way to do this and are any special settings I need to keep mind for the same?

    Genie on #1888

    Hello Michael

    STL files are indeed required for 3D printing. SKP files are Sketchup files. You can use the following method to achieve the necessary conversion.

    (a) Install Sketchup.
    (b) Install the extension from the following link
    (c) Once this extension is installed, Under the file menu you would notice the options of Import STL and Export STL.
    (d) Both import and export options can be used to convert the files between SKP and STL formats

    There are no special settings required for conversion

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