Angad Daryani, who currently works as a researcher at the Treelabs functional laboratory of IIT Bombay and conducts research on robotics and automation with the Innovators Club of India, has been turning heads for most of his life with his abilities as a homegrown engineer or maker, as he prefers to call himself. Most recently, at the age of 15, he is earning recognition for his new brand SharkBot, under which he will be launching a series of 3D printers, which he intends to be the most affordable in the country.

Curiosity & The Lego Mindstorms Robot
His curiosity for how things work began at a very early age. He recalls himself, at age 3, taking his toy cars apart to inspect their mechanics. He might not have been able to understand them then, but this soon changed, and it wasn’t long before he went from wondering about the science of function, to using it for his own creations.
Making good use of the Lego Mindstorms kit his parents gave him, he developed his first humanoid robot at the age of 8. Now, in an effort to allow others to explore their potential, Daryani has co-founded Makers Asylum in Mumbai, a workshop where anyone can come in and create.
Affordable RepRap 3D Printer
With his goal of developing 3D printers and kits affordably, in India, he began his research. It was a process that began a couple of years back, when he began to study the topic using online tutorials and instructional materials, which lead to the build of his first RepRap 3D printer, at age 13.
He has now worked on, and developed, 4 different affordable 3D printer models, one of which is currently being used at the Indian Institute of Technology in Mumbai
SharkBot 3D Printer Development, Business, and Logistics
Almost every part of his printers are custom designed and will be powered by the Arduino Mega microcontroller board. According to an interview with DNA, he intends his SharkBots to be “the fastest and most robust desktop 3D printer[s]that can print any material except for metal.” Daryani will leave the logistics and business aspects of his project to his father’s nationwide computer peripherals company, Kunhar Peripherals, giving him more time to focus on research and development.