Monoprice Select Mini 3D Printer Review Results
Not long ago, just the idea of a $200 3D printer was laughable. Technology has improved, however, and the tides may be changing for budget printers. The Monoprice Select Mini is a super affordable entry-level printer, designed for users of every skill level. Is it worth the price, though? Read our Monoprice Select Mini 3D printer review to find out if this is a great buy or a waste of time.
Printing Speed
Build Size
User Experience
Monoprice Select Mini 3D Printer Review Basics
The MP Select Mini doesn’t have the most mind-blowing specs, but we’re still impressed with what it can do. To start, it features a modest 4.7”x4.7”x4.7” build space over a heated printing bed.
The printer itself is just 13.5″ x 11.3 x 7.5″ and 9.9lbs. That’s small enough to fit on any desk and light enough for anyone to move around. Printing speeds are a little sluggish at 55mm/s, but it works deftly within the limited build space. This printer comes with a .4mm nozzle that prints at a respectable 100-micron resolution.
Reaching a maximum temperature of 230C, this little printer has a wide range of filament options. Print with PLA, ABS, and a long list of exotics. The MP Select Mini also includes both MicroSD and USB connectivity options.
Monoprice Select Mini 3D Printer Review Pros
User Friendly
The MP Select Mini comes about as close as you can get to click-and-print today. You’ll need to install Cura and level the printing bed, but after that this machine is fully calibrated and ready to go. It even includes a MicroSD that’s preloaded with models so you start printing right away. Loading filament is also a breeze with help from the color LED display and simple controls. Best of all, the Select Mini comes fully assembled in its durable steel, open-frame design.
Exceptional Value
The MP Select Mini exceeds many of our expectations for a printer at this price. It features a sturdy frame, dependable print quality, easy installation, and is wholly modable. And unlike other budget printers that limit you to PLA, the Select Mini comes with a heated print bed and the nozzle gets hot enough to print exotics with ease.

Monoprice Select Mini 3D Printer Review Cons
Build Plate Too Cold, Power Supply Too Hot
For all its awesome features, there are a few areas where we suspect Monoprice cut corners to make this printer so affordable. First is the power supply, which we suggest you upgrade shortly after purchase. This is especially true if you plan to print large projects.
The other problem we found was with the the heated print bed. Perhaps in part due to the open frame design, the print bed doesn’t reliably retain heat throughout a print. Serious users will want to upgrade the print bed right away.
Monoprice Select Mini 3D Printer Review Verdict
Overall, we’re truly impressed with what Monoprice was able to produce at such an affordable price. Beginners and experts will both find this printer easy to use and built to last. It comes with simple, plain-language instructions and everything you need to get started with a successful first print.
As you would expect, components like the power supply and print bed are not the greatest quality, but they’re easy and cheap to replace when you’re ready to upgrade. More importantly, prints are smooth and accurate. PLA filaments do particularly well, with results rivaling much more expensive printers.
If you’ve been waiting for the first user friendly, high performing entry-level 3D printer, the MP Select Mini deserves your consideration.